Prof. Dr. phil. Oliver Decker, Dipl.-Psych., teaches social psychology and intercultural practice at the Sigmund Freud University Berlin. He is also director of the Else-Frenke-Brunswik-Institute and the Competence Center for Right-Wing Extremism and Democracy Research, both at the University of Leipzig. Since 2005, he has been organizing the conference series Critical Theory – Psychoanalytic Practice together with Christoph Türcke, and, together with Elmar Brähler, he has been leading the Leipzig Authoritarianism Studies on Right-Wing Extremist Attitudes in Germany since 2002 (until 2018 Leipzig “Mitte” Studies). Latest publications: With Elmar Brähler “Autoritäre Dynamiken” (published by Psychosozial-Verlag in 2020), with Christoph Türcke “Autoritarismus” (2019, Psychosozial Verlag) and “Sozialpsychologie und Sozialtheorie” (2018, Springer-Verlag). He supports the project in the interpretation of results and the derivation of practical measures.