Prof. Dr. David Becker teaches psychology at the Sigmund Freud University Berlin with a focus on social psychology and qualitative methods. In addition, he accompanies and advises psychosocial projects in war and crisis zones, currently both in the Middle East (Gaza Strip, West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon) and in Honduras. At the SFU he heads the SFU Research Cluster “Ressentiment and Change Potential in Europe (RECHANGE)”. The cluster has a strategic focus on resentment research from a psychosocial perspective in order to gain insights into how social and political changes influence people psychologically and, conversely, how psychic-effective processes determine social and political (trans-)educational processes. The theoretical-methodological approaches and the empirical work are based on interdisciplinary cooperation with sociology, history, political science, peace and conflict research and on crossovers such as gender and intersectionality research. He supports the project in the interpretation of results and the derivation of practical measures.