Carolin Demuth studied psychology at the Free University in Berlin (Germany) and received her Ph.D. from the Univeristy of Osnabrueck (Germany) in 2008. Since 2013, she has been working at Aalborg University (Denmark) where she presently holds a position as Associate Professor. She teaches Developmental Psychology, Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Methods. As a researcher, she is particularly interested in the dialogical interplay of self, culture and discourse. She focuses on every day discursive practices by which individuals orient themselves within cultural meaning systems and learn to co-construct cultural versions of self and the world. This includes embodied as well as material aspects of social interaction. Her work relies heavily on discursive psychology, narrative psychology and cultural psychology approaches. Methodologically she works with video recordings and draws on Interaction Analysis (Goodwin), Positioning Analysis (Bamberg) and Discourse Analysis (Potter; Wiggins). She supports the project with her methodological expertise.