Axel Pfleger is a junior researcher at the Institute for Psychological Research at the Sigmund Freud University Berlin. His experience in science communication evaluation and social research includes international events such as the Cheltenham Science Festival and The Best-Of InScience, as well as his influential research thesis analysing the European Space Agency’s strategic communication and publics’ attitudes toward the Agency, with which he graduated in Science Communication and Bionics with distinction. More recent work includes research projects such as Investigating the Link Between Research Data and Impact (Australian Research Data Commons), and the RRING and TeRRIFICA projects (European Commission). He is currently also involved as a co-editor in a special Frontiers in Communication issue on Evidence-Based Science Communication in the COVID-19 Era.
Axel’s practical experience in science communication ranges from faculty marketing to multimedia production for astronaut training (partly used on the International Space Station) as well as for internal and external communication at the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Astronaut Centre in Cologne. His personal and professional development has always been international and multicultural, being of Mexican-German descent, having lived in various countries for significant periods of his life, and having studied and worked in international contexts.